In August 2013 we obtained almost 100 documents from an auction at Cheffins in Cambridge. Although they confirm most of what is shown on this website as descendants of Richard Stone 1579, there will be some changes and additions. For example, a major change involves William Stone 1716, son of Robert Stone 1670 in the second line of descent with Richard and Eleanor. Remove his son William who married Jane Crooke, and their descendants. They do not belong in this line. William 1716 married Betty Norman in 1775 and they had sons William and Robert, of whom Robert survived. I do not know the precise provenance of William Stone who married Jane Crooke but will suggest some options. There will be other changes and some additions based upon these marvelous original documents, but the change noted above is the major one in correcting an error. The line from Richard Stone 1579 and Eleanor (his second marriage) is now very firm down to the emigration of Robert Stone 1789 and his sons Captain James Stone and Robert Stone to Australia and New Zealand. For the descendants in AUS and NZ I have relied upon the expert work of my NZ cousins. There may be some changes in the collateral lines of Richard’s first line of descent (first marriage with wife UNKNOWN), but the direct line to the USA emigration remains firm. Stay tuned for further updates to this tree, but it will be a while before I have time to make all the additions.